ADILI AUCTION MART LIMITED registered by the Ministry of Planning and Finance to do the business or act of selling on behalf of a principal, where in it we deal with:

Automobile auction; Plants and Machinery
Assets Disposable and store Liquidation
Charity auction
Office furniture and equipment
Computer and ICT accessories
Mineral Auctions
Estate and Real estate Auction
Warehouse; Godown and Factories.
Farm and related Assets.


ADILI AUCTION MART LIMITED registered by Business Registration and Licensing Agency (BRELA) for providing the service of debt collection all over the country of Tanzania, which leads us to engage with different financial institutions in the collection of debt from the defaulter, like:

Financial and Default Loan Collections
Retail and Service Collections
Medical debt
Automobile loan debt
Personal loan debt
Credit card debt
Student loan debt
Unpaid utility and phone bills
Court Judgments
Government Collections
Repossession and Possession


ADILI AUCTION MART LIMITED was registered by the High Court of Tanzania and Land and Housing Tribunal Brokers for the execution of different orders, like:

Attachment of Movable Property
Attachment of Immovable Property
Attachment of salary
Delivery of Movable and Immovable Property
Eviction and demolition
Proclamation of Sale


ADILI AUCTION MART LIMITED registered by the High Court of Tanzania for serving a summons and any other documents as ordered by the Court, like:

The Order
Copies of Judgments
Notice of engagement


ADILI AUCTION MART LIMITED registered with the Business Registration and Licensing Agency (BRELA) for providing Research and Development Marketing services with selling; Advertising and branding various properties, by auction or normally.

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